North Shields Branch

Joseph Richmond & Son Memorials

29 Coast Road

Billy Mill

North Shields

NE29 7PG

Contact Pauline Richmond or Simon Richmond

By phone: 0191 2960003 



Opening hours:

Mon. 0900 - 1600

Tue.   0900 - 1600

Wed. 0900 - 1600

Thur: 0900 - 1600

Fri.    0900 - 1600

Sat.  By appointment


   North Shields Showroom  North Shields Memorials Joseph Richmond & Son Memorials, North Shields Showroom

If you require a memorial headstone in North shields, Whitley bay, Tynemouth, Wallsend or the East end of Newcastle our (A1058) Coast Road location is perfect. We regularly install memorials for families in South Shields, Jarrow, Hebburn and Sunderland due to our proximity to the Tyne Tunnel and we are convenient to reach via the A19 from south east Northumberland areas such as Blyth, Bedlington or Ashington. 

Our North Shields branch is conveniently located less than a mile from the A19/Tyne Tunnel and Silverlink retail park roundabout. We have ample free on street parking right outside our door. Our large, modern showroom has over 30 memorials on display and is easily accessed by clients with mobility issues.



From A19 North or South (Tyne Tunnel)  take the exit marked Tynemouth/ The Coast A1058 and travel East for approximately 1 mile on the A1058 'Coast Road'. As you reach the end of the Coast Road at Billy Mill you should see the 'My Shanghai @ the Cannon inn restaurant on your left, look right and you should see our showroom on the opposite side of the carriageway. Then turn right (taking the 3rd exit) at Billy Mill roundabout onto Billy Mill lane, then take the 2nd exit at the next mini round about (still on Billy Mill lane), then turn first right onto Verne road, first right again onto Heaton terrace and follow for 200m to the top. As you round the bend you will arrive right outside our door. Its easier than it sounds - just look at the google map.

From Tynemouth or Whitley bay head west along Beach Road to Billy Mill roundabout. Take the first exit (left) onto Billy Mill Lane , then take the 2nd exit at the next mini round about (still on Billy Mill lane), then turn first right onto Verne road, first right again onto Heaton terrace and follow for 200m to the top. As you round the bend you will arrive right outside our door. Its easier than it sounds - just look at the google map.