Newcastle Branch

Joseph Richmond & Son Memorials

629 West Road

Denton Burn

Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE15 7ER

Contact Joe Richmond or Simon Richmond

By phone: 0191 2280058 



Opening hours:

Mon. 0830 - 1700

Tue.   0830 - 1700

Wed. 0830 - 1700

Thur: 0830 - 1700

Fri.    0830 - 1700

Sat (by appointment).   0900 - 1300


Newcastle Showroom 1  Newcastle Showroom 2  Newcastle Memorials

Our Newcastle Branch is perfectly located if you require a memorial headstone in Newcastle, Gateshead, the Hexham, Corbridge, and Morpeth areas of Northumberland or Durham. We can also install memorials in Carlisle and throughout Cumbria on request due to our close proximity to the A69


Situated just 2 minutes from the West Road Crematorium and Cemetery on the busy (A186) West Road in Newcastle's west end, our Newcastle branch contains a well stocked and comfortable showroom as well as our workshop. It has free on site parking for customers and is less than 500m from the A1/A69 roundabout. We are less than 10 minutes from the Metrocentre by car and 15 minutes from Newcastle city centre.



From A1 North or South bound leave the A1 at the A69/A186 exit at Denton Burn and follow the A186 City centre route. Travel approximately 500m and as you approach the roundabout you should see the Denton Public house ahead on the left side and J.P. Richmond on the right side in front of you.

To gain access to our car park turn right at the roundabout (past the filling station) then first left onto Countess drive then take the second left onto Thorntree drive and when you reach the end turn left again which brings you back out onto the A186 West road. Travel 100m and take a sharp turn left into our car park as you reach the roundabout.

From the city centre take the A186 West road to Denton Burn and turn sharp left into our car park as you reach the roundabout at the Denton Public house.