Other Usefull Links

Here are some other links you may find usefull.

Cruse Bereavement Care
Provides help for people who have been bereaved by death, through one-to-one counselling and group support - including a group for newly bereaved people. It has no religious or political affiliations and everyone is welcome.

SANDS (Still Birth and Neonatal Death Society)
Provides support for bereaved parents when their baby dies before, during or soon after birth

The Samaritans offer 24-hour telephone support to anyone who is feeling lonely, or who is going through a crisis such as bereavement. The service is confidential. The Samaritans offer face-to-face befriending during the day at their local branches. Tel: 0345 909 090 (or 0845 790 90 90)

The Bereavement Register
The Bereavement Register is a free service that helps put a stop to direct mail sent to people who have died.